GIZ Office Sarajevo – National consultant for SMEs/start-up support on plastic waste reduction or recycling strategies

GIZ Office Sarajevo – National consultant for SMEs/start-up support on plastic waste reduction or recycling strategies

Rok prijave 15.12.2022


In frame of the „Integrated Waste Management and Marine Litter Prevention in the Western Balkans” MLPII project, GIZ GmbH seeks for:

Short-term national consultant for SMEs/start-up support on plastic waste reduction or recycling strategies in BIH.

For this purpose, GIZ invites physical persons (consultants) with experience in support to SMEs sector, knowledge on plastic waste prevention and/or recycling, knowledge on waste manage-ment concepts with a focus on plastic /green entrepreneurship, to express their interest in the mentioned services.
The assignment requires one experienced and specialized national consultant who will assist the advisory of SMEs/start-ups on implementing first steps of their business models based on plastic waste reduction or recycling strategies in BIH.
The applicants shall be evaluated based on the CV and the following qualifications:
General Qualification 

Education: University Master in Entrepreneurship, Business, Marketing, Environmental sci-ences, or equivalent.

Professional experience: 

  • at least 10 years of experience in coordination (please list two relevant projects in this period)
  • at least 7 years of experience on advising private sector and start-ups, with the accent on plastic waste prevention and/or recycling (please list one relevant project in the last 3 years.

Experience and knowledge of the BIH working context over the past 15 years.

Language skills: Business fluency in B/H/S and English (C1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). German language would be an asset.
The German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is funding the MLP II project while Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) is implementing the project. The overall Project duration is June 2022 – May 2025.

To receive the description of tasks, please contact us via the following e-mail Candidates who qualify will be invited to participate in the tender.
We kindly ask all interested natural persons to submit the necessary documentation, which in-cludes a Letter of Interest as well as CV by 15th of December 2022 to following e-mail address: Ba_Quotation@giz.dereffering to proceeding number: 83428053.
Relevant for compliance with the deadline is the submission of documentation in the e-mail re-ceipt time.
Late and incomplete applications will not be considered.
Note: Please note that only short-listed candidates will receive a detailed overview of foreseen tasks. 

Lokacija: Sarajevo (Rad iz firme)

Broj izvršilaca: 1

Datum objave: 08.12.2022.

Trajanje oglasa: 7 dana (ističe 15.12.2022.)

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